Feeling Crafty!
Well....putting more and more boxes away...does it ever end?? I was never sure just when we were going to move again so I just left stuff in boxes. Nedless to say, I have accumulated a lot of boxes with -- stuff I had been looking for (like the Christmas lights that we didn't find until AFTER the decorations were up and we found a few straggler strands for now), stuff with trash in them, stuff with dotations for Goodwill, stuff I will never use again, empty boxes. If you've moved a lot, then you knowwhat I'm talking about! Well....FINALLY...I know that we won't be moving again for a long time, so I can unpack all of the boxes. So...I've been unpacking a couple of boxes here and there. My -- ummmm....office...if that's what you'd like to call it (more like a small cubicle with room for two people!) had SO much crap in it!! I thought that I would go through a couple of things...see what I had so that I could make some other Christmas gifts. WOW! It's amazing what you can come up with when you can actully FIND things!

The last ones are for me. I know...but, free advertising, right??