What happens when you are driving down a dark country road...
...in a van that is low to the ground...you hit a divit in the road (well...if you can call it a road -- this is the country and not every road ....well, not many roads at all are paved, just the main Routes!)...and hit and drag this on the undercarriage:
Well....pretty much this:
A huge hole in the oil pan.....OMG!!! Talk about panic! Yep, and just in time for the holiday season....We are already NOT in need of another bill or payment of any kind!
My mother-in-law says that if we didn't have bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck at all! But...I try and think positive as much as I agree with her---all of these things are happening to us for a reason. What that reason is, I'm still not quite not sure.
Needless to say, hubby had to work on this the whole weekend! Damn Fords!! ^j^
Oh no! I hope it isn't too expensive to repair.
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