What happens when you are driving down a dark country road...
...in a van that is low to the ground...you hit a divit in the road (well...if you can call it a road -- this is the country and not every road ....well, not many roads at all are paved, just the main Routes!)...and hit and drag this on the undercarriage:

Well....pretty much this:
A huge hole in the oil pan.....OMG!!! Talk about panic! Yep, and just in time for the holiday

My mother-in-law says that if we didn't have bad luck, we wouldn't have any luck at all! But...I try and think positive as much as I agree with her---all of these things are happening to us for a reason. What that reason is, I'm still not quite not sure.
Needless to say, hubby had to work on this the whole weekend! Damn Fords!! ^j^
Oh no! I hope it isn't too expensive to repair.
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