What a Klutz!
When I was a kid, I used to sprain my ankle all of the time...I was constantly on crutches. Well...I did it again yesterday for the fist time in a long time! I had just picked the kids up from school. We were walking home and at the corner of our street they were flushing the hydrants...D2 decided to push D4 in her stroller through the gigantic puddle -- I yelled to have her stop...needless to say, they went through and were on the other side of the street...I was watching where she was going -- not watching where I was going an missed part of the sidewalk where it is MUCH higher than the grass......down I went!! Right in front of the traffic, the hydrant guy and an office building!! Oh boy! Well...after the intitial shock of what had just happenend and the pain got a bit more manageable...one of the guys in his car said "hold on..I'll be right there".
What was he going to do? By the time he would have found a place to turn his car around, park it....I just wanted out of there. I told him that I appreciated it, but that I was fine. (not!) The hydrant guy helped me up...and some of the people came out of their office wandering what was going on............Just me, falling!!", I said.
So, I hobbled home with a death grip on the stroller.....just get home!!!
The girls were such a big help...and continue to be today. Boy...haven't felt pain like this in a long time! Too bad I can't just relax with it up like I'm supposed to! And...since we don't have insurance (hubby and I), I can't go to the doctor. Hopefully, it's nothing!
Well, it's rainy today...lucky for me!
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