Fairy Crafty

Read about my crafts, second-hand store finds and things that I turn from treelawn trash into treasure by reinventing things and making them new for us to enjoy!...I have Fifth Avenue taste, but a very thrifty budget.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Projects Galore!

Well, I've finally finished my felted purse! It was actually finished a while ago but, I re-felted it so that it would be a bit tighter.

I think that it turned out really nice.....although, I don't like the stripe in the middle--too flimsey. The next purse that I make, I will either not make the stripe so large---or delete it altogether!

I have also finished my first baby sweater!! The knitting class that I'm in kind of asks you to make a layette...which I think is really nice. They are going to new mothers at a local hospital. I thinks that's a fair trade-off!

Well, as I'm posting this...I'm trying to make dinner......D4 has fallen asleep and D2 and D3 are ripping the living room apart and playing dress-up!!! Hubby isn't home from work, but by the time he DOES get home, it will look like NOTHING has been done around here!! Time to get them to round things up and get stuff put away!!


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