Felted purse

Last year my mom and I learned to knit. One of the personal projects was a felted purse. I LOVE them! They are epensive to buy, so I thought that we could make them! Well, it was pretty easy, and I had finished mine quickly. My mom, however, did not, it was still in her knitting bag and was very twisted up! Well, she has a big birthday coming up and she really loves the purses as much as I do...so thought that I would "steal" her knitting bag and untangle everything and start from scratch---WOW.....What a mess!
My mom does not really knit anymore, so I knew that she wouldn't miss her bag. I bought more yarn...and am almost done. I do ned to learn how to do an I-cord, though. I do have instructions and have tried it before...to no avail! But, I will try again.
This weekend is a football weekend, though...What a shocker about Bo. This is going to be one heck of a game! I'm sure that he'll be watching. And, the Browns play Pittsburgh....so, I will be knitting and watching the games!
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