Fairy Crafty

Read about my crafts, second-hand store finds and things that I turn from treelawn trash into treasure by reinventing things and making them new for us to enjoy!...I have Fifth Avenue taste, but a very thrifty budget.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Tie Dye Tango

Well....hope that everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving! D2 and D3 are home from school today. I have been in the process of redoing the bedrooms for the girls. My friend was nice enough to give me a beautiful set for D2 (she wasn't into blue anymore). All I have to do is some small things on the walls and headboard......Well, that means that D3 and D4 HAVE to have theirs done NOW!!!! So...trying to think of a cost effective way to do this (as always!) she wanted purple...then pink...then Hello Kitty.........so, I thought we'd compromise! How about tie dyed pink AND purple?! The tops and cases turned out great...BUT, I ran out of dye for the bottom of the duvet and the dust ruffle and had to run to K Mart to get more (of couse they were out of the pink that she wanted!!). She settled for purple.

After scouring to find two bedruffles and fighting the crowds today for the dye, I think that I'm finally ready to finish this! I'm going to dye the rest...I'll keep you updated!