Starting Scarfs

Since I STILL can't figure out how to put this logo in my photo area...I guess I'll just drop it for now! A guy by the name Bob has sent me an email saying that he could help---but I still haven't heard anything back! Oh well...I guess it will be blank until I can figure it out!
Well...I have started two different color are some of the components. I am making them out of either regular squares or granny squares...hopefully, they will turn out ok!! They are for all four of my daughters, but...I'm making extra because usually when I make something, someone else wants one!! No problem!!
I have been cleaning out my office / craft room and it's like Christmas!! I have found things that I have been looking for for two years!! It still is in dissaray, but it is getting better! I just need more shelving or storage places...all I have right now is two small filing cabinets and a five shelf thing that looks like it's going to fall over! Oh with what you've got, right?!