Fairy Crafty

Read about my crafts, second-hand store finds and things that I turn from treelawn trash into treasure by reinventing things and making them new for us to enjoy!...I have Fifth Avenue taste, but a very thrifty budget.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


This pic was taken the other day after school. All of that has since melted and we have more...and are due for more tonight and tomorrow morning! This is the one that I think I will use for Christmas cards. I wanted more snow in the background - towards the back pasture, but how can you pass up the first snowman of the year??!!

Since I still have not gotten "snow" mittens - the kind that the snow sloughs off...I had to make a quick pair for D3 since her other ones were wet an dirty and I didn't have enough time to wash them (since I couldn't find them when she was done with htem!). I am still having a problem with the thread on my sewing machine snapping for some reason - does anyone know what the problem may be? I thought that the tension and everything on it was "fixed". It's a brand new machine...and this is one of the reasons that I had stopped sewing -- getting frustrated because of the thread breaking!! Well...time to start evening chores and such....Have to get ready for "the game" tonight -- Browns vs. Steelers!! Go Browns!!! ^j^


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