Fairy Crafty

Read about my crafts, second-hand store finds and things that I turn from treelawn trash into treasure by reinventing things and making them new for us to enjoy!...I have Fifth Avenue taste, but a very thrifty budget.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

'Tis the Season

Well...it's been REALLY warm here...in the 50's. Because of that, everyone ends to get sick....including D4!! 'Tis the Season!!

She's has not really felt well for the last two weeks.... but not enough to really be concerned. Well.....that all changed this am! Thank goodness that my eldest daughter and her husband are here...they were able to stay with her while I drop off and pick up D2 and D3.

Dr. thinks that it's a sinus infection...so, antibiotics and clear liquids....

Time to pick up from Girl Scouts! I will be uploading a picture of the blind that I did for D2's bedroom window---turned out pretty nice!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season....a very Merry Christmas and a terrific New Year! My resolution for this year is to keep in contact with family and friends more and to keep up with the blog a bit more!

I inherited my daughters lap top and got a new digital camera for Christmas AND a ton of help from my son-in-law figuring some things out...these items should make it a bit easier to keep up on the blog things!!

My eldest daughter and her hubby have been here for the holidays and it has been wonderful!! I will be so sad when they leave....we will be keeping more in touch, though.

D2 and D3 go back to school tomorrow....it's been really nice having the home, but I'm getting tired of hearing "I'm bored!!"...and it's only been the last two days that they have been doing that!