New Bedroom

Sorry that I haven't posted in a while...well, I'm not sure if anyone even reads this!!!!
Here is a nicer view of the back yard, sans snow!! I love it...nice and peacefull!!
Anyway, things with the house have been keeping me away from blogging! These pics show what our new bedroom looks like!! Actually, it has been cleaned up now,'s just a shell right now! Hubby has really nice plans--we are both REALLY excited to have an actual "grown up" bedroom!!

We were over there for Easter weekend since the kids were on Easter break -- why then...I have NO idea!! Really didn't do too much, just hung out. Since Hubby has been living over there pretty much, we don't really see him often, so it was

I've been starting to pack...need MORE boxes! Well, since we JUST moved here last July, there are some things that haven't even been unpacked---basically for the simple reason that I knew that we weren't staying here, so why unpack! Glad that was how I was thinking!!! We did most of the massive throw-away/give-away last year! That was just massive! We had SO MUCH junk!!!!!!!!!!! This move should be much easier! The only thing is is that the house won't be done, so we'll have to manage! The girls' rooms and bath will be done and hopefully the living long as that is done, it should be fine!
Hope you have a wonderful day's supposed to be 75 and sunny today. I think that after we drop off D3 to school----D4 and I are going to the park!! We need a little break!