Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
I have moved!
Well....for those of you who DO read my blog -- I have moved. I have not been posting too much recently...the router has been down and there really isn't too much that I am able to do here at Blogger I have come to find out.
My new blog address is :
please visit me there -- new page and new extras!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Well, things are really snowy here! We are getting one heck of a snow storm! Thought that school would be called off today...but, no! D4 is sick, so today will be stay-in-pajamas-day and stay warm!
I have a card that I need to make this morning...I'll post more later! ^j^
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Sunny Fla!!
Well...I have been really lax in the posts...we went to sunny Florida for a MUCH needed vacation! All is well...the girls are burnt and are learning to swim! We are staying in today to recoup!
Wish that I would have brought my laptop and found a free wi-fi service. I am at the library now. Boy...some of these people are so rude and think that they can go on these "timed-computers" whenever they want and don't ahve to sign in! I just got into a fight with this guy... what an a#@!! time is up---gotta go for now - more later!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Feeling Crafty!
Well....putting more and more boxes away...does it ever end?? I was never sure just when we were going to move again so I just left stuff in boxes. Nedless to say, I have accumulated a lot of boxes with -- stuff I had been looking for (like the Christmas lights that we didn't find until AFTER the decorations were up and we found a few straggler strands for now), stuff with trash in them, stuff with dotations for Goodwill, stuff I will never use again, empty boxes. If you've moved a lot, then you knowwhat I'm talking about! Well....FINALLY...I know that we won't be moving again for a long time, so I can unpack all of the boxes. So...I've been unpacking a couple of boxes here and there. My -- that's what you'd like to call it (more like a small cubicle with room for two people!) had SO much crap in it!! I thought that I would go through a couple of things...see what I had so that I could make some other Christmas gifts. WOW! It's amazing what you can come up with when you can actully FIND things!

The last ones are for me. I know...but, free advertising, right??

Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Neighborhood Nucience
Remember the cute little puppy that DH found a couple of weeks ago?? Well....there is a dog in the neighborhood -- whose owners obviously don't care --that wanders all over the place. I know that it is a boy, because yesterday I found them "playing" in the garden!! Chased him away and thought that I would need to keep my eye out for him when I let our dog out.
Well, this morning....6:30....I heard yelping. I didn't know that DH had her out still, thought that she just wanted to come in. I went outside.........yep, they were "playing" again!!! ARGhhhhhh!!!!! I really don't want puppies. It furiates me that people can't be responsible to chain up their dogs...and if they get loose---- GO GET THEM!!!!!!
Needless to say, she smelled so...I don't even know the words, but I'll just say bad...that I had to give her a bath just now. I have a very sensitive nose and I have a feeling this poor dog will be a pretty nice smelling pooch all the time!!! that included have been bathed, time to do lunches and get the older kids on the bus!
Have a great day!! ^j^
Thursday, December 07, 2006

This pic was taken the other day after school. All of that has since melted and we have more...and are due for more tonight and tomorrow morning! This is the one that I think I will use for Christmas cards. I wanted more snow in the background - towards the back pasture, but how can you pass up the first snowman of the year??!!
Since I still have not gotten "snow" mittens - the kind that the snow sloughs off...I had to make a quick pair for D3 since her other ones were wet an dirty and I didn't have enough time to wash them (since I couldn't find them when she was done with htem!). I am still having a problem with the thread on my sewing machine snapping